Magnet Academy Procedures approved by board 02/20/2025
The Lafayette Parish School System offers Magnet Academy programs at various elementary, middle, and high school levels. In addition to providing students, the curriculum required by state guidelines, the Magnet Academies offers specialized theme-immersed programs, allowing for more exciting and fulfilling educational opportunities. Students of Lafayette Parish can apply for admission in the Magnet Academies at appropriate grade levels. Only applicants who fulfill entry criteria will be eligible for invitation to enroll. Intentional falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation on an application will result in disqualification for acceptance into the Magnet Academies. In addition, failure to actively participate in any academy requirements for entry such as portfolio submission, interviews and auditions will result in the loss of your lottery spot.
Entry Criteria / Points of EntryIf an academy has academic grade requirements, the end of the year academic grades must be verified by June 1. Summer school grades will not be used to qualify. Individual academies may have additional entry requirements not listed in this general Entry Criteria. There will be no academic entry requirements for students in elementary and middle school academies. High school academies may have additional academic requirements for entry. Elementary Applicants: A completed application, and to be considered for late entry in World Language Immersion 2nd – 5th grade: Proficiency in English and immersed language. Middle School Applicants: A completed application and satisfactory completion of an interview, essay, audition, or examples of work. No Level 4 Elementary or Level 3 Middle that resulted in a recommended long-term suspension. No Level 5-Elem or Level 4 Middle discipline infractions. No recommendation for expulsion due to 3 out of school suspensions. Students cannot attend a disciplinary alternative school. Students with these infractions may appeal for reinstatement to the lottery, 7 days prior to the initial lottery. High School Applicants: A completed application and satisfactory completion of an interview, essay, audition, or examples of work. No level 3 or 4 discipline steps. * No Level 3 discipline that resulted in a recommended long-term suspension. No recommendation for expulsion due to 3 out of school suspensions. No level 4 discipline infractions. Students cannot attend a disciplinary alternative school. Students with a level 3 discipline infraction may appeal for reinstatement to the lottery, 7 days prior to the initial lottery. Students currently enrolled in magnet academies are automatically re-enrolled for the next school year if all criteria are met. LPSS assumes natural progression (an example would be 1st to 2nd, 9th to 10th) unless notified of exit prior to the start of the new school year. If a student attends an academy for one day of the start of the new school year, this is considered acceptance of the spot and the student must remain in the academy for the whole school year unless there are extenuating circumstances. If extenuating circumstances exist, a Letter of Appeal can be completed and turned into the Magnet Academy Office.
*Discipline steps are defined in the LPSS Student / Parent Handbook.
Magnet Academy Appeal Process
Appeals submitted 7 days prior to the lottery will be processed and upon approval of the Magnet Academies Appeals Committee be entered into the initial lottery process. Appeals which are not submitted 7 days prior to the initial lottery will be processed and upon approval of the Magnet Academies Appeals Committee be entered into the 2nd round of the lottery. Step one: Academy school identifies ineligible students for lottery due to criteria stated on the Magnet Academy website. Step two: Academy school provides the LPSS Magnet Academy Director with a list of students who are ineligible. Step three: Academy school contacts parents to notify them of their student’s ineligibility. Step four: Parents may contact LPSS to request a formal appeal of Magnet Academy eligibility and complete any accompanying paperwork to submit to LPSS.
Step five/Level 1 Appeal: The Magnet Academies Appeals Committee will review both parent and school appeal documentation. If the Magnet Academies Appeals Committee approves the appeal, the student’s application will be entered into the lottery process. You have seven (7) business days to turn in your appeal.
Level 2 Appeal: An appeal which has been denied by the Magnet Academies Appeals Committee may be appealed to the Superintendent. This appeal must be completed on the Superintendent’s appeal form, which may be obtained from the magnet academies office. This appeal must include all correspondence and documentation from the previous round of appeal.
Lottery ProcessThe lottery is a computerized system that randomly selects students from completed, verified and submitted applications. A third-party audit of the Magnet Academies’ Application and Selection Process will occur annually. Students who wish to apply for more than one Academy may do so; however, a student cannot apply to more than two academies. Once the lottery is conducted, parents/students are notified. Once an applicant has accepted the invitation, the parent must contact the Academy Director or Principal of the school to begin the enrollment process. Acceptance is limited by the number of seats available and entrance requirement. Applicants not accepted due to limited seats available will be placed on a numbered wait list determined by the lottery system. The initial invitation for academies with grade requirements is provisional. An official invitation is determined by a review of end of the year grades. Applicants who apply for a Magnet Academy and then are retained for academic deficiencies are subject to losing their seat. Students must fulfill entrance requirements to join a Magnet Academy. Applicants invited to enroll in the Magnet Academies program will have 7 business days to respond. After July 23rd students will have 48 hours to accept or decline placement once they have been electronically notified. Failure to respond will result in an auto-decline. If there is a waitlist, the invitation will be sent to the next waitlist applicant. Once all entrance requirements have been verified and the process is complete, the parent/student will receive a final invitation to attend the Magnet Academy. Intentional falsification, distortion, or misrepresentation on an application will result in disqualification for acceptance into the Magnet Academies. Students who move into the district after the selection process is complete may apply to LPSS Magnet Academies through late entry and could be placed on a 1st come 1st serve basis where seats are available. If no seat is available, they will be placed on the bottom of the waitlist.
Language Immersion ApplicantsStudents applying to a World Language Immersion Academy whose primary language at home is not English must be screened by the LPSS ESL Department’s staff in order to be eligible. Students who would benefit from ESL services will have their application considered for acceptance on a year-to-year basis. Waitlist ProcessApplicants placed on the waitlist will have the choice whether to remain on a waitlist. Once a seat is vacant, the next applicant on the waitlist will be invited to accept a seat. Eligible applicants with two applications who are invited to one and waitlisted for the other must respond to the invitation within 7 business days. Eligible applicants placed on waitlists for two academies must respond to the first invitation received within 7 business days. Special Needs ApplicantsIt is the policy of the Lafayette Parish School System to provide equal educational opportunities for all students. LPSS recognizes that some students with disabilities may have specific needs, which must be considered in the development of their educational program. Such considerations include whether the applicant’s special needs can be appropriately addressed in the LPSS Magnet Academies program. Accordingly, for students with disabilities, the applicant’s individualized educational plan (IEP) team or Section 504 team shall review the applicant’s desired academic program and determine on an individual basis whether that program can meet the student’s needs as identified by the IEP or IAP. The LPSS Magnet Academies’ office will enforce the final determination by the IEP or the 504 team. Parents must submit appeals to their applicant’s respective academy director. PriorityThe Magnet Academies utilize various priority indicators for qualified applicants accordingly. Applicants must satisfy all applicable entry criteria or continuous criteria in the academy pathway. Priority status is only activated once all other criteria have been fulfilled. Sibling PriorityStudents who have an older sibling enrolled in a Magnet Academy will be given priority to enroll in that Magnet Academy at the same elementary school. Applicants meeting these criteria will have priority in the assignment process only after providing an official birth certificate to the Magnet Academies’ office. The application process will be paused until an official birth certificate is brought to Magnet Academies’ office for verification. For the sake of the Magnet Academies Lottery, a sibling is defined as two or more children or offspring having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister residing at the same ordifferent addresses; and/or adopted child (ren). Middle and high school applicants will be considered for sibling priority only if they share the same birthdate (twins, multiples). Sibling priority is only considered if application is done prior to the lottery. Pathway PriorityApplicants who have attended a lower-grade Magnet Academies’ program that is aligned with the next level academy program will be given priority to that academy. Applicants must have completed all the curriculum requirements in their program and be eligible for entrance at the next level to qualify for pathway priority. Students/parents who wish to continue with the pathway must apply during the lottery period. EnrollmentEnrollment is a commitment for the duration of the entire academy program. Once an applicant is formally invited and has accepted the invitation the parent must contact the academy program administrator at the academy school to begin the enrollment process. In order to preserve placement in a program, all Magnet Academies students must adhere to the LPSS District policies and the LPSS Parent/Student Handbook. If seats are available and entrance criteria are met, entry into any academy for grades K-11 will be allowed until the last Friday of the month of August. ExpectationsStudents in all elementary school academies (grade 3-5) are expected to maintain a C or better in required academy courses, participate in activities, and fulfill academy expectations to remain an academy student. Students in middle and high school (grade 6-12) will be required to maintain and finish with an overall C or better GPA in all courses. In addition students must be enrolled in an academy elective and maintain a C or better in all academy courses. Unless for extenuating circumstances, this also includes appropriate attendance, discipline, and participation in the academy’s curricular activities including field trips, contests, performances, and competitions. Students may be placed on probation for not meeting the academy’s established expectations. Students/parents are to complete a Magnet Academies Commitment Form. An academy may set higher standards for specific coursework. Refer to the school’s academy page and website for specific requirements. AcademicsStudents are to remain in good academic standing as determined by their academy (see above). Students not meeting the established criteria may be placed on probation and/or removed from academy if improvement does not occur. Probation periods can follow grading periods at elementary, middle and high schools. Discipline Students must adhere to district discipline policies found in LPSS Student / Parent Handbook, as well as academy specific policies or requirements. This may include lab protocols, internship behavior, and JROTC guidelines. Middle and High School students shall have no Level 3 that resulted in a recommended long-term suspension. No level 4 discipline infractions. No recommendation for expulsion due to 3 out-of-school suspensions. Students cannot attend a disciplinary alternative school. Elementary students, no Level 4 that resulted in a recommended long-term suspension. No level 5 discipline infractions. Students cannot attend a disciplinary alternative school. AttendanceStudents must adhere to LPSS district attendance policies. The Magnet Academies’ office will work closely with the Child Welfare and Attendance department to determine necessary actions. Students with attendance issues may be removed from the academy. ParticipationStudents are expected to participate in any academy activity, including rehearsals, after school functions, and field trips. Academy directors and/or principals reserve the right to approve or deny any requests by students to miss an academy-related activity. Students must also satisfy any dues or fees associated with the academy. Failure to fulfill this expectation is considered breaking the agreement made with the Magnet Academies Commitment Form. Due Process/ProbationAfter a first violation for any enrollment expectation, a meeting between the student and the academy director/principal will be documented with a written plan to resolve the deficiency. A letter documenting the violation will be placed in the student’s academy file and mailed to the parent explaining the situation and the plan to resolve the deficiency. If a second violation for any enrollment expectation occurs, a meeting between the student, parent, and the academy director/principal will be documented with a written plan to resolve the deficiency. A letter documenting the violation will be placed in the student’s academy file. Academy probation will result with the third violation for any enrollment expectation. A meeting between the student, parent, academy director/principal, and administrator/counselor will be documented with a written plan established to resolve the deficiency. The student will be placed on academy probation. A letter documenting the violation will be placed in the student’s academy file and mailed to the Magnet Academies office. A recommendation for removal from the academy will occur with the 4th violation for any enrollment expectation. A meeting between the student, parent, and academy director/principal will be documented detailing the reasons for the student to be recommended for removal from the academy. The academy director/principal will submit the request to the Magnet Academies’ Office. Removal from an AcademyStudents should excel in academics, attendance, discipline, and participation. When deficiencies are discovered, school staff, the parent, and the student should take measures to strengthen the areas of deficiencies through due process. There are times when deficiencies cannot be resolved and it may be necessary to remove a student from an academy. The recommendation for removal from the academy would come from the school’s principal. The removal request form is sent to the District Magnet Academies’ Review Committee. The District Magnet Academies’ Review Committee will determine if the student will be removed from the academy or returned to the academy on probation. If the student is recommended for removal an appeal form will be sent home with the recommendation for removal letter. A parent would have seven (7) school days to appeal the decision to the LPSS Superintendent. All appeal forms must be turned into the Magnet Academies’ Office. During the appeal process, the student remains at the academy. A student recommended for removal during the school year may be removed from the academy and would be required to start the next school year at their home zone school (aligned to school board policy JBCC). In the event that a student is sent to a disciplinary alternative site, the student will be removed from the academy. If the student is removed from the academy, the student would return to his/her zoned school when leaving the disciplinary alternative site. The school’s administration, academy director and/or parent may appeal this decision to retain the student in the academy. Students attending educational sites for reasons other than discipline may return to the academy if the academy coursework is current. Removal from an academy based on grades should only be considered for students not meeting requirements in their academy courses. Voluntary Withdrawals from an AcademyIf a parent wishes to cancel the accepted assignment prior to the start of the new school year, the withdrawal form must be completed and submitted to the LPSS Magnet Academies’ office. Once the form has been processed, the student will be reassigned to his/her zoned school and the seat will be opened to the next student on the waitlist. Once the school year begins, any parent request to withdraw from an academy must begin at the school. The school staff should be a part of making an informed decision. An Exit Request form is completed by the parent and school representatives (Academy Director, Principal, Counselor), then sent to the Magnet Academies’ office for final approval. Students are allowed to withdraw for extenuating circumstances, as determined by the Magnet Academies Appeals Committee. Students, who voluntarily withdraw during the school year, will return to their zoned school. Students moving from the Lafayette Parish School System may withdraw at any time. TransportationTransportation, utilizing designated satellite stops, is available for all students who choose to attend the LPSS Magnet Academies. Parents must submit transportation requests at the academy school site when enrolling the academy student(s). Prior to the first day of school, parents are encouraged to check with the academy school to ensure their student(s) are appropriately tagged as bus riders. Athletics and Extracurricular ActivitiesMagnet Academies’ students, who wish to participate in athletic programs, may do so in compliance with all eligibility rules for their level of competition. For high school students, this includes compliance with the guidelines of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association. Magnet Academies’ students, who wish to participate in extracurricular activities, may do so unless the guideline of a state or national organization, which sanctions the activity, prohibits immediate participation. Addendum A attached Magnet Academy Entry/Continuation Requirements
At Lafayette Magnet Academies, Hope is not up for debate
The most up to date information about our Lafayette Magnet Academies, policies and procedures can be found on our website. |